Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Vol 2:6 A Brief Note

It has been a busy few weeks – being with my ailing parents in Canada, a week at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries for a Pastor’s Week, our church retreat and now this week I am at a Forge International Event. This week we are dialoguing on what Forge seeks to accomplish in equipping church leaders so that missional communities can be birthed.

We are engaging in some fruitful theological and missional dialogue – asking questions about in what ways we need to deeply reframe our understanding of “church” as communities which gather around Jesus Christ, what does it mean to be incarnational and missional in a place (some good dialogue on theology of place), as well as what educational models are best for equipping missional leaders in context, how can we avoid falling into the same “trap” of running programs – be they missional programs, neglecting to first begin with noticing what God notices in our contexts and participating with what God is already doing?

There is much to unpack here and I will say more about our discoveries in future blogs – just wanted to let you know where I am this week.

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